Terms of service.
Service Agreement
Service Agreement between 4legg LLC (DBA Jaybird Canine Development), a Florida limited liability company (“Owner”) to provide Dog
Training Sessions to pet owner (Client) as set forth in the Addendum to this Agreement. Accordingly, the
parties agree as follows:
1. 4legg LLC agrees to provide Dog Training Sessions as set forth in the Addendum to the
Agreement. These sessions include, but is not limited to dog walking, dog training, dog
photography, and other applicable pet care services in a reliable, caring, and trustworthy
manner. In consideration of the services and as an express condition thereof, the client
expressly waives and releases 4legg LLC from any and all claims against the company, its owners,
employees and representatives, except those arising from negligence or willful misconduct on
the part of 4legg LLC.
2. Client agrees to pay all charges accrued for services rendered. Client understands that payment
is due at or prior to the time of the commencement of services.
Client understands that one free in-person consultation is available after initial sessions have been completed.
3. Client agrees to notify 4legg LLC of any concerns within 24 hours of completion of services.
4. Client will incur a $25 charge for each returned check in addition to any and all bank fees
attributed to the returned check.
5. 4legg LLC shall exercise all precautions against sickness, injury, escape, loss, accidents or death
of Client’s pet(s). However, 4legg LLC is not responsible for sickness, injury, escape, loss,
accidents or death of Client’s pet(s) unless caused through negligence or willful misconduct on
the part of 4legg LLC.
6. Client represents and warrants that pet(s) are currently vaccinated in accordance with all local,
state and federal laws and regulations.
7. 4legg LLC will follow the directions of the Veterinary Release Form in the case of a pet becoming
injured or sick.
8. Client accepts responsibility for all medical expenses and other damages resulting from an injury
to representatives of 4legg LLC, other persons or other animals caused by the Client’s pet(s) or
negligent act.
9. Client agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend 4legg LLC in the event of a claim by any
person injured or otherwise damaged by Client’s pet(s) or negligent act.
10. 4legg LLC reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee of 100% of the scheduled appointments
for services cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice prior to the scheduled service.
11. 4legg LLC reserves the right to terminate this contract at any time if 4legg LLC representatives
determine that the Client’s pet(s) poses a danger to the health or safety of itself, other pets,
other people, or 4legg LLC representatives. If concerns prohibit the 4legg representative from
caring for the pet, 4legg LLC will attempt to contact the client to arrange alternative care. If the
client cannot be contacted, the client authorizes 4legg LLC to place the pet in a licensed kennel
with all charges and fees arising to be the responsibility of the client.
12. 4legg LLC reserves the right to refuse service to any client, at any time, for any reason.
13. This document gives 4legg LLC and its representatives authorization to enter the client’s listed
address as needed to perform agreed upon services.
14. Client expressly gives 4legg LLC the authority to employ a locksmith on their behalf and to
promptly reimburse 4legg LLC for all costs incurred in the event of a malfunction of the lock,
keys, or automatic door opener.
15. 4legg LLC is not liable for any loss or damage in the event of a burglary or other crime that
should occur while under this contract.
16. Client agrees to properly secure the home prior to leaving the premises. 4legg LLC will re-secure
the home to the best of its ability at the end of each visit.
17. In the case of an emergency, inclement weather or a natural disaster, the client authorizes 4legg
LLC to use reasonable judgement for the care and well being of client’s pet(s) and residence.
4legg LLC will make reasonable efforts to maintain service during these conditions but reserves
the right to adjust the schedule of service based on the sole discretion of 4legg LLC
18. 4legg LLC is not responsible for any damages to client’s property beyond the control of 4legg LLC
19. Client is responsible for supplying the necessary equipment and supplies needed for the care of
their pet(s) including, but not limited to, a sturdy, well-fit harness or collar and leash for walks.
Client authorizes any purchase necessary for the satisfactory performance of duties. Costs of all
purchases and related service fees will be reimbursed to 4legg LLC within 14 days.
20. Client authorizes the use of pet(s) pictures on 4legg.com, social media and/or marketing
materials for promotional purposes.
21. Client authorizes this contract as a valid approval for services so as to permit 4legg LLC to accept
all future in person, telephone, online, mail, or email reservations and provide services without
additional signed contracts or written authorizations.
22. The terms of this document apply to all pets owned by the client, including any and all new pets
that the customer obtains on or after the date this document was signed.
23. Entire Agreement: This Agreement is the final, complete, and exclusive statement of the parties’
agreement on the matters contained in this Agreement and the attached Addendum and
supersedes all related prior communications, understandings and agreements between the
24. Governing Law. This Agreement and the respective rights of the parties under this Agreement
shall be governed by and construed under the laws of Florida, without regard to such state’s
conflict of law principles.
25. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended only by a writing signed by each party to this
Contract Addendum
Dog Training Sessions
1. This is an Addendum to the 4legg LLC Agreement and incorporates the provisions outlined in
that document. Specifically, Client agrees that the “hold harmless” clause in Paragraph I of the
Agreement also applies to any venue or entity at which 4legg LLC operates.
2. The Client understands and agrees that 4legg LLC offers one
consultation for training and that the consultation is not considered session #1 of the program or class.
Client may waive consultation at the Trainer’s discretion.
The client understands that they will be charged the price of 1 session if the consultation lasts more than 1 hour.
Client understands that all services must be paid for in full & up front unless there are extenuating circumstances.
Client agrees to use all paid sessions within 2 months of initial payment. After 2 months, Client must pay for new round of sessions.
Client agrees and understands that a “no-show” for a scheduled appointment will be counted as
a lesson. Client further understands and agrees that a program may include admission to classes
only when the program is paid in full and that the classes have no cash-out value. Client also
understands that refunds will not be available after the first training session is completed
unless there are extenuating circumstances. Refunds are at the complete discretion of 4legg LLC.
Client understands that there is a fee for same-day cancellations. If Client has paid a deposit and has not given
24-hours notice of cancellation, Client understands that the deposit is non-refundable.
Client further understands that lesson duration is determined by the
trainer at the time of service and that time spent during the session discussing client’s dog, dog
training and/or behavior is considered training/lesson time. Client further understands and
agrees that if client’s dog is aggressive they can be prohibited from attending 4legg training sessions.
3. Client agrees, understands, and acknowledges that the elimination or modification of behaviors
is not guaranteed. 4legg LLC agrees to provide private or group lessons on a lesson-by-lesson
basis with the goal being to teach Client how to train and work with their dog. These lessons
may take place at Client’s home, a public park or elsewhere depending on
agreed services. The client acknowledges that dog training may not provide exact results. Each
dog is different in regards to ability, breeding, and temperament. Client further agrees to accept
responsibility for any damages their dog may cause through malicious, aggressive or improper
behavior that may occur before, during, or after all services provided by 4legg LLC. Furthermore,
client understands and agrees that dog training may involve risks to client, members of client’s
family, or dog. Client assumes all risks associated with participating in this training and will not
hold 4legg LLC or representatives responsible in the event of
injury to client, client’s family member or dog. Client agrees to comply with the instructions,
rules and decisions of the training instructor as it relates to client or dog’s ability to safely
complete each training session. Client also agrees to assume all responsibility for any damage
done to property, persons, or other dogs caused by client or dog’s actions.
4. Client agrees and understands that the pet participating in the training sessions is free of any
infectious disease and is current on all appropriate vaccinations, including Bordetella, distemper,
parvovirus and rabies. Client also understands that a Health Certificate must be provided before
their dog may participate in any training sessions. Client also understands that all dogs enrolled
in the training sessions must receive monthly preventative treatments for the control of fleas.
If live fleas are found on client’s dog, 4legg LLC will apply a topical
product or give an oral treatment at owner’s expense.
5. Client understands that 4legg LLC may use their pet’s photograph(s) and/or video(s) taken
during training sessions for educational and promotional purposes in any type of media.
6. Client hereby agrees and covenants for any heirs, executors, administrators and anyone else
who may claim on client’s behalf to waive, release and discharge 4legg LLC
and their representatives from any and all claims arising out of or in connection
with or in any way related to these training sessions.
7. 4legg LLC may suggest the use of electronic collars or prong collars based on Client’s needs.
Client agrees to follow all instructions and safety precautions given by 4legg LLC in order to prevent injury or harm to Client’s dog and ensure
that all tools are used humanely.
Copyright Statement
I. Proprietary Rights
The photographs contained on this, and any other site under the JaybirdCanine.com domain, are the property of 4legg LLC and are
protected by United States and International copyright laws. All copyright, trademark, and other
intellectual property rights in this site, are the property of 4legg LLC.
All Photographs on JaybirdCanine.com are copyrighted.
No permission, either express or implied, is granted for the electronic transmission, storage, retrieval, or
printing of the photographs contained on JaybirdCanine.com, other than that which is related to the normal
“caching” practices of web browsers and activities such as downloading solely for your personal
enjoyment. No parties/individuals visiting or viewing images from 4legg.com, may otherwise copy,
modify, publish, transmit, or distribute the contents of the photographs found herein. Express written
permission must be granted, on behalf of the photographer (copyright holder, 4legg LLC), in order to use
these photographs for any purpose that is not outlined above.
Your use of 4legg.dog or viewing of this statement indicates your acceptance of these conditions.
II. Personal Use Criteria
The following are a list of conditions where 4legg LLC gives individuals permission to link to (or copy)
JPEG images and other material at no charge:
You may print a copy of any photograph for personal reference without further permission.
Students are welcome to download images and incorporate them into school reports, presentations,
etc. for free so long as proper credit/citation is given, without my further permission.
Anyone can download images from Desktops / Wallpapers for the express use of displaying them on
screen on any personal computer that is not being used for commercial or public viewing purposes.
III. Free Web Usage Criteria
The following conditions define 4legg LLC’s authorization for use of its image on the Web, free of charge,
so long as proper attribution of copyright is given to 4legg LLC and include the e-mail address,
4leggdogs@gmail.com in said attribution:
You may make LINKS to the images on pages you maintain for yourself for personal, non-commercial
If you are preparing FREE online site guides for other photographers, bloggers, and photograph forums,
you may make use of these images, BUT ONLY IF YOU ATTRIBUTE THEM AS DESCRIBED ABOVE.
IV. Commercial Use
Those persons who wish to use the photography found on this site in a commercial fashion must receive
written consent from 4legg LLC prior to its commercial use. To obtain consent, interested parties should
send an e-mail 4leggdogs@gmail.com. In that e-mail the following should be addressed:
Image(s) you would like to use
Where they will be displayed
How they will be displayed
Intent of its display
Duration of their public viewing
Any other information you feel would be useful
Any commercial use of my photography without prior consent is a violation of United States and
International copyright law.
V. Copyright Protection Tactics
In attempts to maintain the integrity of the copyrighted photographs found on this site, several
copyright protection methods have been utilized. Some of these tactics include, but are not limited to:
Placement of watermarks
Resizing of images
Conversion of images to low resolution for web use
If you would like to use a specific photograph with some of the copyright protection tactics removed,
please e-mail 4legg LLC at 4leggdogs@gmail.com and describe what the intended use of the imagery with the
copyright protections tactics reduced.
IV. Copyright Infringement is Serious
The act of infringing on a copyright is a very serious business and is punishable by fines and/or
imprisonment. 4legg LLC kindly asks that you will refrain from copying anything from the site onto your
own hard drive, diskette(s), printer, etc. You are welcome to copy the hyperlinks to other sites found on
4legg.com, however, we ask that you do not copy any of the graphics, photographs, or articles from this
site for your own use (other than the terms stated above). Doing so is an infringement of United States
and International copyright laws.